IS Magazine Blog

Hardware Innovations

Best Selling Items Of The Year

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

When it comes to the best selling gadgets 2012, Apple makes quite a few of the gadgets that are must haves for millions of people all around the world. Hot gadgets all have one thing in common, they function as a status symbol while providing a useful nature that can sometimes come in handy when you are attempting to stay entertained during a night with friends. One of the most popular Apple products on the market today would be the Apple iPad 3, this is a device that is intended to help students and professionals get work done on the go. The tablet can also allow them to play games, listen to music and watch movies while on the go. It functions for educational purposes by providing access to textbooks and note taking technology that students are sure to fund very useful.

The Apple Macbook Air is another one of the best selling gadgets 2012. This computer weights just over two pounds and it is the thinnest computer in the world today. It offers the full functions of a laptop while maintaining the profile of a netbook. The Apple iPhone is another one of the best selling devices of this year, this is a phone that will allow you to play games and keep your life organized. Playstation 3 Duel shock controllers are also one of the most popular gadgets on the market today.

