IS Magazine Blog

Wordpress Release 2.7 Coltrane


Wordpress Release 2.7 Coltrane

Wordpress at has recently released version 2.7 code-named 'Coltrane' according to their blog. The new version of Wordpress has a new administrator interface which has been the result of user feedback and a consideration in ease-of-use. A drag-and-drop dashboard is also something different from prior versions where administrators can move the most important areas to the most prominent positions.

New Comment and Plugin Features

Many of the new commenting features were once third-party plugins that have now been incorporated into the framework. Among such features are comment threading, paging, and the ability to reply to comments from the admin dashboard. One great new feature is the ability to install and update plugins from within your own website administration area. Before it was necessary to download plugins outside your own portal and install zip files. Now all the plugin installation is automatic.

Auto Upgrade WordPress

One great new feature is the auto upgrade feature which will notify the administrator of a website when a new version of Wordpress is available and allow the new version to be downloaded, installed, and your site upgraded. All these features continue to make Wordpress the blogging platform of choice for thousands of bloggers.

