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Software Sensations

Microsoft’s Windows 10 Cures Ills Of Windows 8; Adds Bells And Whistles


Microsoft's Windows 10, the corporation's latest operating system, launches Wednesday (July 28). Windows 10 corrects Windows 8 problems and adds new features. Windows' 1.5 billion users will find the feel and look of the venerable operating system introduced in 1985 has returned.

Microsoft's has had some problems with updates to the Windows operating system; Windows 8 is probably best known. Windows 8, designed for devices used as both a PC and a tablet, failed to meet the mark. The OS was beset by problems, confused users, and did not enhance users computer experience. A flood of reports of inferior performance by Windows 8---confusing changes, and difficulty of use---meant the majority of Windows users did not upgrade from release 7. Windows 8's failure led to the downfall of Microsoft's CEO being fire. His replacement, Satya Nadella, has admitted the release was flawed.

Microsoft chose to skip Windows 9 and go directly to Windows 10. Release 10 restores desirable features of previous versions. The price tag for the upgrade cannot be beat for  Windows 7 and Windows 8 users---it is free. Many users might also make the change because of useful new features of the upgrade.

The classic Start button is again visible. It was present in Windows 8, but was hidden and some users thought it had been eliminated. Users now have classic main menu access, and shortcuts to personal documents and apps with one touch. Programs and files are opened with the mouse or the Windows keyboard shortcut key.

The Start menu has a new, modern design but remains familiar. The Start button also calls up tile groups that are customisable for your personal preferences. For example, I generated a tile group titled "Productivity" and pinned the software I use for working with that productivity group to it. The pins include software such as Word; apps for email, and web browsing; Twitter; and a calculator. Unwanted items are easily removed from the group by unpinning the tile.

For some Window users, getting used to the tablet mode may be challenging. Hybrid tablet's detachable keyboards switch to software optimized for tablets. Apps take up the entire screen in tablet mode. In that mode, Start area tiles are greater in size to make them easy to see and manipulate.

Fortunately, Windows 10 in a touch screen is basically the same as other touch-enabled devices. The touch directions are the same with an outward pinch to zoom in, swipe up for downward scrolling, and pan right with a left swipe. The trusty Start menu remains present so you know Windows is active.

Windows 10 Walkthrough July 2015 Release Version

