
Firefox is one of the pioneer web browsing applications in the world. With the growing demand for Internet use, there has been a significant growth in the number of applications one can use in web browsing. This stiff competition has led to a decline in Firefox users over time. The Firefox Quantum browser is an innovation by the company with the aim of reclaiming the browsers lost market share.
Unique attributes of the new browser
Being the 57th version of the browser, the firm had to put in a lot of expertise to distinguish it from the earlier versions. Regarding memory space, the design allows users 30 percent less memory requirement if you are to compare its memory capacity to other browsers.Reviews estimate the browser to be two times faster than that of the predecessor, the Firefox 52.
The user interface has the complete facelift. You can flawlessly shift from one tab to another courtesy of the new Phonton UI. A new engine now powers the browser. As a way of making use of the browser more friendly, the browser suggests top stories, has additional pocket features and also the provision to save content. The new version is compatible with Mac and Linux operating systems. An Ios version will soon be available.
The future of web browsing
To keep up with competition, upgrades such as the Firefox Quantum browser are necessary. The firm should work on customer reviews and continuously improve the design. With such an approach, the browser has a chance of reclaiming its former glory.
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