Is Apple really that big of a company? The short answer is yes. Here are a few reasons why.
Apple's total sales in 2011 were around 128 billion dollars! That's more than the combined GDP of over 60 nations! Some of the countries included in that list are Cuba, New Zealand and Iraq! Those numbers are staggering.
Apple is the largest tradable company in the stock market. Beating out companies such as Exxon, Microsoft and even Wal-Mart. Apple sells more than 694 Ipads a minute. That's 11 Ipads a second! One of the most impressive statistics would be the amount of IPhones sold. Over 74 million Iphones were sold in 2011. That's almost equal to the total weight of the Eiffel Tower!
From computers to phones, Apple is a technology powerhouse. It doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon. These numbers can only continue in the years to come.
Source: Best Computer Science Degrees