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All Posts Term: turbo tax
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Business FirstInternet Today

To Determine The Detroit Employment Rate, Did Tim Geithner Make Use Of Turbo Tax?

NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 14:  U.S. Treasury Secret...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

In recent times, the Obama Administration has remained on a complete-court onward spiral to sell Americans on the ideas concerning bailouts for auto dealers, begun by its forerunner however augmented into politically schemed insolvencies by the present White House Administration. In the previous week, President Obama welcomed Chrysler’s declaration about the fact that the bailouts had been paid back – devoid of mentioning that the payment derived from additional Government loans to Fiat, and that the Presidential Administration has before now pardoned four billion dollars’ worth of loans to the auto dealers. In the recent days, Tim Geithner, the Treasury Secretary for the Government, did some additional spiraling in a thesis paper for the Washington Post, asserting that each bailout had resulted in a rebirth of Detroit jobs:

Internet Today

Technology That Can Help You Manage Your Finances

Online Banking - Personal Finance - Money Mana...

Image by aldoalexandre via Flickr

In some ways, technology can make it easier to control your finances.  However, some people fall into the tech trap and use whatever programs and applications that they come across to keep a tab on their finances. Unfortunately, new and cool does not necessarily mean useful and time saving.  Some programs and services offered by banks, credit card companies or third parties can actually make things more confusing and complicated.  Truly streamlining your banking process and gaining greater control over your finances and information about your finances requires a bit of planning and choosing those few programs, services and smart-phone applications that can work together to make your financial life easier.

