The minute the clock struck midnight into 2024, TikTok-mired by a lively set of creators who are usually very expressive-started taking the digital fore in regards to celebrations and reflections concerning the just-gone year. A look at how different parts of the world moved into the new year as captured through TikTok:

A Mosaic of Global Celebrations
TikTok was full of mesmerizing New Year celebrations around the world. From the iconic Times Square ball fall in New York to the spectacular fireworks over Sydney Harbour, users shared unique experiences that turned the platform into a party across the globe. The hashtag #NewYear2024 was trending, with millions of posts capturing the essence of celebration across cultures and time zones. It connected people in real time, enabling them to share joy and optimism for the coming year in ways that feel particularly meaningful.
Trending Sounds and Dances
One of the most captivating parts of New Year's on TikTok had to be the music. The year went out with a bang: from viral songs like "Apple" by Charli XCX, which inspired the iconic "Apple" dance that found its way into many New Year's posts. This dance, choreographed by Kelley Heyer, was not just about the moves; rather, it was an individualistic and creative celebration of oneself. The song "TEXAS HOLD 'EM" by Beyoncé featured in numerous celebration videos as a dance choreographed by Dexter Mayfield and Matt McCall turned the dance floor into a world stage.
Personal Reflections and Resolutions
As the year drew to a close, TikTok became a place for reflection. People were sharing what happened to them in the years 2024-both their personal high and low moments and lessons they took from them. There is also a huge trend of these lists of 'in and out', as in what one is bringing into the new year and what one is leaving behind. That's not really just New Year's resolutions but bigger reflection on personal growth and self-care. Wellness and self-care brands seized the momentum by pushing products in tune with such new year aspirations.
Community and Connection
Community, not just individual celebrations, was the order of the day on TikTok in 2024. The platform has connected people by means of shared experiences and challenges, such as the "Suspect Challenge," where friends playfully roast each other. The lookalike contests for Timothée Chalamet and Paul Mescal added humor to the New Year's day and light-heartedness, much needed from the heavy news cycle.
Cultural and Memorable Moments
Cultural phenomena, like "Brat Summer" and the "Willy Wonka Experience" disaster, lived on TikTok for posterity, finding a home in the year's cultural tapestry. Most moments-coupled with a trending audio or dance-relentlessly became representative of the year's zeitgeist, shared in every New Year's retrospective. "Very demure, very mindful," coined from a TikTok by Jools Lebron, encapsulated a trend of understated yet impactful style, influencing fashion and personal branding on the platform.