Twitter Moves To Silence Abuse

2/13/2017 3:37:31 PM
Twitter Moves To Silence Abuse
By srpatterson


Several changes to the popular social media site Twitter were announced recently by the company, in an effort to curtail abusive tweets or accounts, and enable safer searches.

Many people who establish an abusive Twitter account simply open another one if their account is closed down, and these new steps should end this practice. Having your Twitter account suspended would really mean an end to your twitter account, rather than just a temporary inconvenience.

Some tweets inevitably contain sensitive content, and Twitter's safe search will enable users to control whether they want to see these tweets or not.

Twitter also intends to implement a form of quality control on its tweets, highlighting those that are of a high quality, and hiding those that are unhelpful or abusive. The end result should be that longer threads are more relevant and more noticeable.

Of course, there is such a thing as free speech and these moves by Twitter will inevitably be seen by some as a means of quashing that free speech. However, the point is that these tweets that are potentially unhelpful, uninformative or offensive won't be removed completely; rather, users of Twitter will be able to exercise more control over whether they see them or not.

The question is will Twitter silence abuse, and what effect will these measures really have? The next few weeks should tell, as these changes and others are implemented gradually.

Twitter is finally cracking down on abuse (CNET News)

