Leave it to some of the bigger advertisers on the Internet to bring out the jokes and the games on April Fools Day. Some companies have gone so far as to launch new products today that of course do not exist. And you thought your prank on your kids was funny. There are at least 10 quality online pranks that have already happened but there are more to come for sure.
Google Maps turned streets into PacMan levels were users can chomp along the maps all day long.
The world’s first smart knife, the Samsung Galaxy Blade edge was introduced. Who doesn’t need a smart knife? Make sure not to cut yourself while talking to your spouse.
Maybe that site of yours finally got onto the first page of Google. That’s because Google reversed itself. Showing the last page first. Not too helpful if you really need to find something.
This one should be true, Motor Mouth: the BMW mouth guard that looks like a BMW grille. Too cool.
Finally, Dominos has a robot on a scooter that delivers pizza called the DomiNoDriver. Now we know for sure that Dominos isn’t just pizza anymore.
Rick Ashley - Never Gonna Give You Up