- Patrick Stevens

The U.S. division of Samsung has reached an agreement with the Consumer Product Safety Commission to recall just under 2 million Note 7s. Exactly 1.9 million of the Samsung Note 7 are being recalled so that they can be replaced.
Owners of the phone will be able to take it into a store and exchange it for a new version of the phone. They can also get a full refund for the phone if they don't want a new one. On top of the refund, they will get a $100 credit if they choose a different Samsung phone. A $25 credit will be given if they choose a phone from another brand. - Patrick Stevens

Leave it to some of the bigger advertisers on the Internet to bring out the jokes and the games on April Fools Day. Some companies have gone so far as to launch new products today that of course do not exist. And you thought your prank on your kids was funny. There are at least 10 quality online pranks that have already happened but there are more to come for sure. - Patrick Stevens
English: A Picture of a eBook Español: Foto de eBook Беларуская: Фотаздымак электроннай кнігі Русский: Фотография электронной книги (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Barnes & Noble's Nook Sales Down 34%
The battle of the e-Readers rages on, with a clearer picture of how the market is likely to stand in years to come. While Amazon and Apple seem to be benefitting greatly from the new market, industry giant Barnes & Noble is taking a tumble.
Nook sales themselves are down 34%, with Barnes & Noble digital sales dropping over eight percent in the same year. While the Nook has never been the most successful e-Reader, its overall losses are severe - over a million dollars more for the fiscal year than previously seen. This leaves Barnes & Noble in the precarious position of owning not only the third-place e-Reader on the market, but one that seems to be rapidly decreasing in both value and popularity.