- Patrick Stevens

We've all heard of privacy issues with Facebook - from college admissions boards and potential employers judging our Facebook profiles to our friends accounts getting hacked and/or spammed. But how many of us actively make sure that our data (and our identities) are secure on the web? - Patrick Stevens
If you are bored with your emails and text messages, it is possible to make them a little more interesting. Typewriter is the name of an iPhone app that does just what its name implies. It types out text messages like in the olden days. Check out this new iPhone app here in this informative article.
Get Back To Your Typing Roots
Some things just get your attention in a good way. The Typewriter iPhone app is one of them. This is an app for those who miss the day of the old "hunt and peck" typewriter with the "ding" at the end of every line. The app imitates those old typewriters of yesteryear with an amazing retro feel to it. It actually has a little more freedom than the typewriters it imitates. The typewriter arm can be placed anywhere on the screen and the typing can begin there.