- Patrick Stevens

Looking to buy or sell a domain name? Head over to NameCheap Auctions!
Millions of domains have been registered over the past couple of decades - and many of them are now up for sale.
Are you in the market for a domain name? Are you looking to sell a NameCheap domain name you no longer need or want?
Check out NameCheap Auctions - THE place to buy and sell old or expired domains. Our searchable platform receives thousands of hits, every single day. And while .com domains are available, you'll also find other options including .net, .us and loads more. Scroll through the NameCheap Auctions marketplace and you might even find the perfect domain name you've been searching for!
Domains can be listed from as little as $1, right up to $1,000. The seller sets the price when listing the domain name and the purchaser can buy it for that price only - there is no option to haggle and potential purchasers cannot make direct contact with sellers. The transaction is complete in as little as a few hours and the money received by the seller can be transferred to a registered Paypal account within a few days (charges from Paypal may be incurred).
Our system is quick, easy and user-friendly. Buyers can filter their selection by category, price, content or length to find a domain name that meets their requirements.
For those looking to sell, using NameCheap Auctions makes it easy to promote your unwanted domain names to people who will be interested in buying them. Perhaps you registered an interesting domain a while ago, but haven't needed to use it. NameCheap Auctions is the ideal place to advertise it for sale AND potentially make a profit. You can choose up to five categories for each domain, for example business, advertising, technology and so on. This will help prospective buyers to filter their search and find the domain name they're looking for.