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Business FirstSoftware Sensations

Apple Intelligence: Your Personal AI Companion

Forget about waiting for the latest tech - Apple just blew everything out of the water! Introducing Apple Intelligence, the super-smart AI that lives right on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. This isn't just a Siri update - it's a whole new game. Apple Intelligence uses some seriously cool tech to learn your stuff and give you exactly what you need, wherever, whenever you need it.


The Power of Apple Intelligence

1. Understanding and Creating Language

Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for users to enhance their writing and communication. With systemwide Writing Tools, you can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text across various apps. Whether you're tidying up class notes, crafting the perfect email, or adding humor to a party invitation, Apple Intelligence has your back.

- Rewrite: Choose from different versions of your text, adjusting the tone to suit your audience. From cover letters to casual messages, it's like having a writing coach in your pocket.

- Proofread: Check grammar, word choice, and sentence structure. Get suggestions with clear explanations to improve your writing effortlessly.

- Summarize: Condense lengthy passages into digestible paragraphs, key points, or lists. Perfect for busy days when time is of the essence.

2. Privacy First

Privacy is at the heart of Apple Intelligence. With Private Cloud Compute, your data stays secure. It flexes between on-device processing and server-based models, ensuring your personal information remains confidential.

A Personal Story

Let me share a personal experience. Last week, I was drafting an important email to a potential client. Apple Intelligence flagged a sentence that sounded too formal. With a tap, I chose a more conversational tone, and the email felt just right. The client loved it, and I landed the deal. Thanks, Apple!

Business FirstInternet Today

YouTube Shorts: The Rising Star in a TikTok-less World

Social media trends these days? They're flighty as a squirrel on Red Bull. One minute it's all "Renegade" on TikTok, the next you're lost in a YouTube Shorts wormhole, wondering if you found the next big thing. But what happens if Uncle Sam cuts TikTok loose? Can YouTube Shorts step up and become the new king of short videos? Buckle up, let's see what's shakin'!


The TikTok Dilemma

Imagine this: the US House throws shade at TikTok, basically saying "it's not you, it's me" unless TikTok ditches its Chinese parent company. Talk about a dramatic break-up! TikTok's gotta be wondering if it should change its status to "It's Complicated." But hold on, this drama is just heating up. But hold on, the Senate has a vote too. Even if they're down, if President Biden shuts it down (like he's hinted), then TikTok could be in hot water.

Now, TikTok isn't going down without a fight. It's planning to flex its legal muscles, but if the ban sticks, TikTok might find itself in a digital desert. And that's where YouTube Shorts enters the scene, wearing its snazzy short-form video cape.

YouTube Shorts: The Underdog with Potential

Let's face it—YouTube Shorts and TikTok are like cousins who share the same genes but have different fashion tastes. Both platforms are all about those bite-sized, vertical videos that you scroll through with the intensity of a squirrel raiding a bird feeder. But what sets them apart?

1. User Base: YouTube Shorts already has a larger viewer base. Imagine Instagram as the effortlessly cool senior who's seen it all and throws epic parties. TikTok, in comparison, is the freshman with all the hot dance moves, but still getting the hang of navigating the lunch line. This way, we keep the "cool kid" comparison for Instagram and introduce "freshman" for TikTok using "in comparison" for a smooth transition.

2. Monetization: Creators on YouTube Shorts have it easier when it comes to making that sweet moolah. Monetization? Check. Ad revenue? Check. TikTok? Well, it's like trying to find your car keys in a dark room—it's possible, but you'll stub your toe a few times.

3. Editing Tools: Okay, here's where TikTok usually wins. Its editing tools are like a Swiss Army knife—versatile and ready for action. YouTube Shorts? Well, it's got a butter knife. But hey, sometimes simplicity wins hearts.

4. Cultural Influence: TikTok's got the cultural clout. It's the party where everyone's doing the latest dance challenge, and the DJ plays "Savage Love" on repeat. YouTube Shorts? It's more like the chill hangout spot where you discuss conspiracy theories and sip herbal tea.

Business FirstInternet Today

TikTok's Got Google Sweating: Gen Z Ditches Text for Dance Trends and Recipe Hacks

Forget your dusty old Google searches, folks. Gen Z is shaking things up, and their preferred method of finding out what's what? Bop it out on TikTok, of course. Yeah, that lip-syncing, meme-machine app has morphed into a full-blown search engine, and businesses are scrambling to keep up.


Imagine this: instead of dry listicles and text walls, you get bite-sized video tutorials on how to make grandma's lasagna, recommendations for the hottest new band that'll blow your mind (and eardrums), or even life hacks that'll make you question why you spent the last decade struggling with shoelaces. That's the TikTok search experience – personalized, engaging, and delivered with a side of infectious dance moves.

And businesses? Well, they're catching on. From hip clothing brands showcasing their latest threads in trendy hauls to local bakeries whipping up drool-worthy pastries in mesmerizing time-lapses, TikTok's become a marketing goldmine for anyone who can speak the language of Gen Z.

So, while Google might still be the king of the search engine jungle, TikTok's definitely the upstart lion cub nipping at its heels. And with its claws sharpened by personalized algorithms and a dance floor full of engaged users, who knows? Maybe the future of search is all about catchy tunes and killer transitions. Buckle up, Google – the search game's about to get a whole lot groovier.

So, is TikTok the new Google? Not quite. But it's definitely thrown a wrench in the search engine game. It's like, Google's the dusty library with all the knowledge, while TikTok's the cool kid's house party where information gets passed around in bite-sized, entertaining bursts. And guess what? Gen Z's RSVP'd with a resounding "heck yes!"

Business FirstInternet Today

TikTok Creator Fund: An Era Ends

In a surprising turn of events, TikTok has announced the discontinuation of its original Creator Fund, a $1 billion initiative launched in 2020. The fund was designed to support ambitious creators who sought opportunities to foster a livelihood through their innovative content. However, the fund will cease to exist starting December 16th, 2023.


The Creator Fund was a unique initiative that distributed money based on creators’ shares of the platform’s overall views. It aimed to help eligible users making content on the app, providing them with financial support over three years. However, the fund faced criticism from creators who complained about low payouts, despite their videos garnering millions of views.

One of the vocal critics of the fund was Hank Green, an early YouTube star and a well-known figure in the internet culture. Green argued that the fund was outdated and worked more in favor of TikTok’s bottom line rather than its creators’ best interests. He shared that per 1,000 views, he was making about 2.5 cents, a figure echoed by other creators who also shared their disappointingly low income despite having large viewership numbers.

The discontinuation of the fund will affect creators in the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany. However, creators in Italy and Spain will not be affected by this change.

As one door closes, another opens. TikTok is shifting its focus to its newer Creativity Program. This program was developed based on the learnings and feedback from the Creator Fund. It aims to resolve some of the initial complaints about the fund and offers a higher average gross revenue for qualified video views.

Unlike the Creator Fund, the Creativity Program has specific requirements on video length, rewarding creators who make videos longer than one minute. To be eligible for the Creativity Program, creators must be at least 18 years of age and have at least 10,000 followers and at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days.

Business FirstInternet Today

TikTok’s AI Revolution: Transforming E-commerce with Video Content Analysis

TikTok, the popular social media platform, is making waves in the e-commerce industry by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze video content and offer similar products to viewers12.


The AI Experiment

TikTok is currently testing an AI tool that identifies products in videos and suggests similar ones for sale via its Shop feature1. This test involves using machine-object detection to find items and recommend them on TikTok Shop1. The company has started using AI to scan videos, identify items, and encourage users to buy similar products through its e-commerce marketplace, TikTok Shop1.

While TikTok has previously allowed creators to tag products in videos as part of its affiliate program, this new feature currently occurs without notifying the creator — and without the promise of a commission on sales their video helps drive1. A TikTok spokesperson said it’s an early-stage experiment with limited availability to a small subset of users in the US and UK, and that it may never officially launch1.

The Impact on E-commerce

The integration of AI into TikTok’s platform shows how deeply the company is integrating e-commerce into the app’s overall user experience1. The company has been on an all-out blitz in recent months to make shopping take off — offering shipping deals and other discounts to sellers, paying bonuses to influencers who add affiliate links, and launching a series of Black Friday and Cyber Monday incentives for merchants1.

Guess what? There’s a whole crowd of companies out there using AI to take their online shopping game to the next level. Want to hear about some of them?

1. ASOS, eBay, Walmart, Levi’s, Disney, Salesforce, Snapchat, Ikea, and Lifestyle are well-known retailers utilizing advanced AI-based visual search.
2. Anaplan uses its Predictive Intelligence Platform to help retailers keep current customers and find new ones.
3. Clarifai offers an AI-powered recognition platform that helps classify images, videos, audio and text.
4. DRINKS uses AI for their curated wine business platform.
5. Emotive uses AI for customized marketing messages.
6. Hungryroot leverages AI for personalized meal recipes.
7. IBM’s Watson is widely used in the retail industry for various AI applications.

You know, these companies are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using AI in online shopping. It’s a big, exciting world out there with AI making shopping online easier and more personalized every day. Can’t wait to see what’s next!


Future Developments

In addition to manual labeling by creators, TikTok is also working on developing a way to automatically detect and label AI content3. This week, it will begin testing an “AI-generated” label that will eventually apply to any content that it detects was edited or created with AI3.

Business FirstInternet Today

Shopify's Strategic Investment in Faire Revolutionizes Wholesale Commerce

Established in 2017 and boasting a valuation of an impressive $12.59 billion, Faire has swiftly risen as a beacon of innovation in the wholesale industry. Now, with Shopify's substantial investment, this promising startup is set to integrate cutting-edge Shopify technology into its offerings, elevating the experience for its esteemed clientele.


Under this transformative collaboration, Faire will ascend to become the preferred wholesale marketplace for Shopify merchants. This union promises manifold benefits for businesses leveraging Shopify's robust platform. By tapping into Faire's expansive network, brands can seamlessly streamline their wholesale distribution process, thereby gaining access to a broader spectrum of independent retailers. This translates into a greater reach, allowing entrepreneurs to forge connections and expand their market presence in unprecedented ways.

Entrepreneurial Advantage

The impact of this strategic investment extends far beyond the boardrooms of these two companies; it resonates deeply with entrepreneurs seeking to thrive in the dynamic world of commerce. Imagine a scenario where a budding Ohio-based business, propelled by Shopify's robust suite of tools, can effortlessly connect with independent retailers across the state and beyond, all facilitated by Faire's intuitive platform.

Imagine a boutique owner in the heart of Ohio, armed with unique handcrafted products, now effortlessly connecting with retailers from San Francisco to Sydney, all thanks to this forward-thinking collaboration. This isn't just about numbers on a balance sheet; it's about real people, real stories, and real impact.

Shopify Partnership

So, what can we learn from this remarkable partnership? It's a testament to the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce and how industry leaders like Shopify are constantly seeking innovative ways to empower businesses. This move demonstrates that technology-driven solutions are at the forefront of transforming traditional industries, making them more inclusive and efficient.

As this collaboration unfolds, it's evident that it's not merely about numbers and valuations; it's about the tangible impact it will have on businesses across the globe. The union of Shopify and Faire opens up a world of possibilities for businesses, offering them a seamless platform to expand their reach and connect with a wider audience.

Business FirstInternet Today

Maximizing Your Earnings with Effect Creator Rewards

If you're an Instagram creator looking to boost your earnings, Effect Creator Rewards is the program for you. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective strategies to help you maximize your impact and reach a wider audience, ultimately enhancing your earnings through this innovative program.

Understand the Effect Creator Rewards program.

Effect Creator Rewards allows creators to earn money by designing and sharing augmented reality (AR) effects on Instagram. To make the most out of this program, it's crucial to understand its workings. Essentially, the more people who use your effects, the more money you can earn. However, not all effects are eligible for the program, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the guidelines before creating and sharing your effects. Additionally, meeting the minimum follower requirement and other eligibility criteria is essential.

augmented reality (AR) effects on Instagram

Create high-quality effects that users will love.

Creating high-quality effects that resonate with users is key to maximizing your earnings with Effect Creator Rewards. Take the time to craft visually appealing effects that are easy to use and add value to the user's experience. Consider popular effect trends on Instagram and inject your own unique flair into them. Promoting your effects on your Instagram page is also crucial. Encourage your followers to try them out, as the more people who use your effects, the more money you can earn.

Promote your effects on social media and other platforms.

Leveraging social media and other platforms to promote your effects is one of the most effective ways to boost your earnings with Effect Creator Rewards. By expanding your reach, you can encourage more people to utilize your effects. Consider creating a dedicated Instagram page solely for your effects, and share them across other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Collaborating with influencers and requesting them to promote your effects to their followers can also provide significant exposure, leading to higher earnings through the program.

Collaborate with other creators to expand your reach.

Collaborating with fellow creators is an excellent strategy to broaden your reach and increase your earnings with Effect Creator Rewards. Look for creators who share a similar audience or style and explore opportunities to collaborate. This could involve creating joint effects or cross-promoting each other's effects to your respective audiences. The possibilities are endless, so don't hesitate to reach out to other creators and pitch collaboration ideas. You never know what exciting opportunities may arise from such partnerships.

Stay up-to-date with program updates and changes.

Staying up-to-date with program updates and changes is vital to maximize your earnings with Effect Creator Rewards. Keep yourself informed about any adjustments to commission rates, new features or tools, as well as guidelines or policies that may affect your eligibility or earnings. Regularly check the program's website and social media channels for updates, and subscribe to newsletters or notifications to ensure you're aware of all available opportunities within the program. Being well-informed enables you to make the most of this innovative platform.

Business FirstInternet Today

Lemon8: The New TikTok Sister App Taking the World by Storm

There's a new app out there, it's not TikTok! The newest sensation taking the world by storm is Lemon8. Figure out what's going on with all the publicity in this article.

Lemon8, TikTok's sibling app, may interest you if you're a fan. With its own distinct features and content creators, this brand-new platform is rapidly gaining popularity. We'll look at what Lemon8 is all about and why it's already causing a stir on social media in this piece.


How does Lemon8 differ from TikTok and what is its purpose?

Lemon8, a brand-new social media app, shares many similarities with TikTok but also features that set it apart. Like TikTok, clients can make and impart brief recordings to different altering devices and channels. Nonetheless, Lemon8 additionally has major areas of strength for an on local area working, with highlights like gathering talks and the capacity to team up with different clients on recordings. Furthermore, Lemon8 has a more smoothed out interface and a more organized feed, making it simpler for clients to find new happy.

Lemon8's distinctive features are the driving force behind its popularity.

Due to its distinctive features that set it apart from other social media apps, Lemon8 quickly gained popularity. With group chats and the ability to collaborate with other users on videos, its strong focus on community building is one of its most notable features. Additionally, the app's more curated feed and simplified interface make it easier for users to find new content. These highlights, joined with the capacity to make and impart brief recordings to various altering instruments and channels, have made Lemon8 a hit with clients all over the planet.

How to produce content on Lemon8 that is engaging.

Being original and creative are the keys to producing engaging content for Lemon8. Use the app's editing tools and filters to bring your vision to life, starting with ideas that align with your interests and passions. Go ahead and explore different avenues regarding various styles and organizations, and make certain to draw in with your crowd by answering remarks and teaming up with different clients. With just the right amount of inventiveness and exertion, you can make content that resounds with your supporters and assists you with building areas of strength for an on Lemon8.

The possibility of using Lemon8 for marketing by businesses and influencers.

Lemon8 presents a one-of-a-kind opportunity for businesses and influencers to build their brands and reach a younger audience as a result of its growing popularity. Businesses can creatively and funly showcase their goods or services by creating authentic, engaging content. The app can also be used by influencers to work with brands and share sponsored content with their followers. Consider how this new platform might fit into your marketing plan as Lemon8 continues to gain traction.

Business FirstInternet Today

TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator

TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator

Calculate the number of impressions and engagements you'll receive from a TikTok sponsored post. This calculator is a helpful tool for marketers and social media managers who want to promote their content on TikTok. Using the social media app TikTok, users may post brief videos across the world. It has quickly become one of the most popular apps in the world and it is not just for kids.

Estimate the Number of Views

The TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator helps you easily estimate how many impressions, views, and engagements you'll receive when you buy a TikTok sponsored post. Simply enter the details of your campaign. Calculate the number of impressions and engagements you'll get from a TikTok sponsored post, so you can make smart decisions about the right time to do it.

Tiktok Ads

There are a number of ways to advertise on TikTok. One of them is by using sponsored posts which can be used to promote different products, services, or brands. These ads are available in two formats: video ads and photo ads. Video ads last for 15 seconds while photo ads last for 30 seconds.

TikTok ads are a powerful way to increase brand awareness and generate new leads. Create a customized campaign with the TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator. Use the TikTok Sponsored Ads Calculator to optimize your campaign and get more impressions, engagement, installs, or whatever your goal is.

Photo Ads: A user can choose from four different types of photos - square, vertical, horizontal or landscape - and then add up to 10 photos with captions and stickers on top. The caption can consist of up to 50 characters while the stickers can have an unlimited number of characters each (they would be counted as part of the caption). The total number of characters allowed for this type of ad would be 150 characters in total.

Business FirstHardware Innovations

The Future of Practical Quantum Computing


If Quantum Computing sounds too technical then you are right, but you don't necessarily need to be an expert to know more about the amazing product that D Wave is providing. D Wave has been in the business of providing and delivering products using the fastest path. Think of the most difficult math problem you had trouble solving when you were in high school, remember the time it took you to solve that with the help of your friends and classmates, now multiply the complexity of that problem to a thousand or more, D Wave's quantum computing program solves that in a second. The future is fast approaching and along with it are the complex mathematical and analytic problems that require a fast solution and you don't want a pen and paper to solve that for you.

D Wave Going Public

D Wave is now at its final steps to bring Commercial Quantum Computing to Public Markets. This is expected to expand D-Wave's Quantum Computing Ability beyond what was originally thought possible. And with all these things in mind, the Market Valuation is expected to reach ~$1.6B.

The support it is getting from its current investors is more than enough to validate the future that this company from NEC and Bezos Expeditions as well as Goldman and Sachs.

D Wave Products

The company offers a wide variety of products and solutions ranging from Manufacturing and Logistics to Life Sciences.

In Logistics computing the most optimal time and route of your parcel considering hundreds and thousands of variables from time of day to vehicle volume, foot traffic and the likelihood of the recipient to be available based on the kind of neighborhood they live can definitely make your delivery services a lot more appealing to customers and saves the business a lot of time and resources.

In the Manufacturing industry scheduling your production based on your staff schedule delivery schedule and the machine rest requirements as well as your historical staff reliability can potentially increase efficiency based on how these things align.

Providing an effective finance solution is nothing but a set of computations based on historical data and probability based on previous data behavior. Fraud risks are identified by considering key factors from a certain set of data presented and what better way to analyze that than doing it in a blink of an eye. Nowadays getting the finance approval out is just as important as getting it out quicker than anyone else.

In this day and age, being right and accurate is still one of the most important aspects of problem-solving, however being the fastest while staying accurate and correct is becoming as important if not more.

If you give everyone enough time as most principles have been established everyone will eventually arrive at the same solution. How fast you get there ahead of everyone is what will take your business from being an average to a leader in the industry.

D Wave is definitely right in cusp of being successful and being part of that journey is definitely one that guarantee that you have a place somewhere in that future.

