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All Posts Term: Internet Today
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Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

TurboTax For Mobile Tax Filing


TurboTax has started a filing craze with their mobile tax filing app and they are seeing large numbers of users and revenue from it. The reasons are obvious. TurboTax is the smartest way to file your income taxes.

Filing your taxes without help from a professional tax service has become simpler with each tax year.  It began with filing online with your own computer and just a few short years later, everyone can do it themselves with their mobile phone.

Trying out new ideas can be worrisome, especially when it comes to taking chances with money owed or owed to you. But TurboTax has an app for that. The steps are not difficult. You can even provide your W2 just by taking a photo and uploading it. From there, you can answer questions and provide information you would have had to answer and provide to a tax service. Best of all, you do not have to pay $50 or more just to get it done.

Internet Today

Apple’s Backdoor and the Government


Apple doesn’t want to let Big Brother (Government) into your iPhone through a backdoor in the phone security. The Obama administration is trying to force Apple to allow the government to access phones that have security features enabled. Apple CEO Tim Cook is going to appeal a court order to allow the government into the iPhone of a radical Islamist who shot dead a number of co-workers in San Bernardino California earlier this year.

Business FirstInternet Today

Microsoft Ends Support for Browsers Older Than IE 11


Microsoft is ending their support for Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10 in the middle of January 2016, only providing technical support and updates to IE 11 and Edge. So if you are using one of the older versions of the browser, you could become infected by Malware/Spyware more easily than if you are running one of the newer editions. They are free, so there’s no reason to not upgrade unless your operating system will not support them. Then you really need to consider upgrade your whole system. Windows 7, 7.1 and 10 will all run Internet Explorer 11. Find the downloads on the TechNet Microsoft Internet Explorer page.

If you open an older version of the web browser this week you will receive a message telling you to upgrade. There will also be one last patch distributed to update all virus protection prior to ending support.

Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

Things Can Do That Are Awesome


Bitly can monitor the click stats and shares on your shortened urls. You’ll know how your links are performing and how they have been shared.

You can use different shorteners depending your feelings about the link. Use for links that you love. Use for links you do not like.

Bundle up your links by yourself or with a group of colleagues. The lists can be private or they can be public. Comments are allowed on the individual links and also on the bundle of links for additional meta data.

Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

Google Play Games App Allows Recording and Publishing to YouTube Gaming


YouTube Gaming has brought game recording and publishing to the Google Play App on Android. Users are now able to record their favorite game moments and save them to YouTube all from their mobile devices. The goal of Google is to increase the amount of gaming video on YouTube that will also be available to view on the companies recent YouTube Gaming app. the amount of gaming video watched online has dramatically increased and some YouTube gaming channels are watched as much as celebrity channels.

Currently live streaming of game play is not available on YouTube but the company plans to offer that feature some time in the near future.

Internet Today

Scandal Erupts in Unregulated Fantasy Sports Betting


Fantasy sports betting has become a very large industry over the last couple years and now there is a full blown scandal. This industry is unregulated and based on the fantasy games that many individuals play of assembling players into teams and competing head-to-head each week. The  two fantasy companies involved in the scandal Draftkings and FanDuel.

On Monday the two companies release statements after allegations came out that one company employee was using insider information to trade on the other companies platform. The draft kings employee took released data for the third week of the NFL and went to FanDuel where won $350,000 for that week.

Crime and JusticeInternet Today

New Gmail Address Blocking Feature


Block Annoying Messages Easily on Gmail

Gmail is launching a new, useful little feature today, making it easier to block a specific email address with only two clicks. So, if you are receiving a lot of emails from someone you don't want to hear from, now it will be even easier to ban that address from getting to your inbox. And, you can always unblock them later, if you want to.

Gmail has always allowed you to filter incoming messages, but it wasn't very straightforward. The new Gmail feature makes it even easier to block unwanted messages with just two clicks.

Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

Click On Any Super Mario Brothers Google Search Results


Join the Google Easter Egg Hunt by Clicking in Your Super Mario Brothers Google Search Results

Everyone who grew up during the 90's know the role that Super Mario Bros played in their lives. I, myself played the awesome Nintendo game for endless hours and worked to death just to have enough to buy my own Nintendo unit. One day, I will introduce my kids to the game and explain why I love it despite its crude graphics and simple game play.

Super Mario Bro as first released on September 13, 1985 and to commemorate it's 30th year, Google came up with an Easter Egg Hunt anyone can join by typing the "Super Mario Brothers" keywords in the Google search bar.

Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

Verizon To Offer Free Live Streaming


Verizon is launching a new phone app called Go90 (title the phone 90 degrees for video) that could provide free streaming to customers of certain shows. The app might also be available to non-customers while being supported by ads. The service is to rival Netflix and Hulu, targeting the younger generation and those that have stopped paying for cable service (cord cutters).

Crime and JusticeInternet Today

Sorry Honey, I Had An Ashley Madison Account


Users of the website Ashley Madison had their account information released to the public today and might be scrambling to save their marriages. The site which promised total privacy in addition to some other things, was hacked recently and now the data from that hack is being made public. The dumped data included government officials and executives from large corporations. The hackers threatened to release all the information they had on 37 million users, and now have released some of the most damaging. The issue raising real concerns about Internet security.

Search the Ashley Madison Hacked Data here or here.

