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All Posts Term: Hardware Innovations
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Apple Watch Coming in March


Reports are putting March as the month that Apple will release the Apple Watch. Sales people at stores across the country will be offered training on the new wearable device in mid-February. Testing and function training will be a part of the store involvement. The first round of training will happen early February in the companies headquarters. Software changes and supplier issues have kept the device from being released early 2015, according to reports.

Nintendo Profits on Mario Kart 8 and Wii U


Surprising analyst, Nintendo turned in a profit for the most recent quarter on Mario Kart 8 and Wii U sales. The release of the new game led to the purchase of the newer game console for consumers who had previously been reluctant to make the change. Analyst  watching the company had expected a loss of 3.7 billion yen for the 2nd quarter. But the company announced a profit of 9.3 billion yen or 86 million US dollars.

Apple Pay With IPhone 6


Apple’s new IPhone 6 along with iOS 8.1 features the latest feature from the technology company, Apple Pay. Touch ID combined with passbook makes Apple Pay something to take a look at. The iOS version was available for download Monday night. The feature is available on the phones and also newer versions of the iPad (air2/mini3). Apple Pay makes purchasing items on the phone easier by simply tapping the screen at/on over 200 thousand stores. If you are outside the US, you will need to wait longer for the feature but American consumers have it now.

Don't Fall into the Data Disaster Trap

Deutsch: Micro USB Ladekabel für Mobiltelefone

Deutsch: Micro USB Ladekabel für Mobiltelefone (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Ever-Increasing Importance of Properly Securing Your USB Devices.

The digital world we now find ourselves in proposes the many benefits of being able to hold important information in multiple places at any one time. Gone are the days of clinging on to singular hard paper copies, with their safety being most imperative. Our modern digitalization of information truly has made it faster and easier to communicate, create documents and transfer data with the click of a mouse.

However, as with most perks there are also major disadvantages. In this instance its data security. The news is bombarded with stories of large corporations and governments misplacing these technological wonders, creating a huge market for data protection.

Upgrade An Old PC To Make It Work Like New

The 536,870,912 byte (512×2 20 ) capacity of t...

The 536,870,912 byte (512×2 20 ) capacity of these RAM modules is stated as "512 MB" on the label. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Upgrade An Old PC To Make It Work Like New

Talk to anybody who owns an old PC, and the first thing they will ask you is what parts of PC should I upgrade? The problem with old PCs actually lies in their configuration, because these PCs use old components which only would have been available in the market when these old PCs were assembled. With new innovations taking place with changing times, these Old PCs are soon rendered incompatible with new software and programs that are designed to suit the latest component configurations running in the market. This incompatibility is indeed the prime cause behind the slowing down of older PCs.

Factors That Affect Laptop Speed

A System76 laptop displays the Ubuntu Edgy log...

A System76 laptop displays the Ubuntu Edgy login screen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

People do not always choose their laptops for speed. People who are interested in a word processing platform do not need computers with the latest technology. Gamers need more from their laptop speeds and graphic abilities. Consumers looking for a fast laptop need to consider the following factors. Shoppers should look at the processor speed, the amount of memory a computer has, and its graphics card.

The Advantages Of Jailbreaking Your IPhone

iPhone iPhone iPhone

iPhone iPhone iPhone (Photo credit: kowitz)

Apple’s iPhone is possibly one of the most successful smartphones to ever be released. Sporting a robust, fast and intuitive mobile operating system, the iOS, the iPhone has certainly solidified itself as one of the best options out there when it comes to mobiles. Despite being extremely robust the iOS does not give the end user who is a bit savvier the ability to tinker with the phone to his/her liking. Fortunately, a group of very knowledgeable users were able to come up with a smart solution to this minor issue which became popularly known as “jailbreak”.

Best Selling Items Of The Year

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

When it comes to the best selling gadgets 2012, Apple makes quite a few of the gadgets that are must haves for millions of people all around the world. Hot gadgets all have one thing in common, they function as a status symbol while providing a useful nature that can sometimes come in handy when you are attempting to stay entertained during a night with friends. One of the most popular Apple products on the market today would be the Apple iPad 3, this is a device that is intended to help students and professionals get work done on the go. The tablet can also allow them to play games, listen to music and watch movies while on the go. It functions for educational purposes by providing access to textbooks and note taking technology that students are sure to fund very useful.

Megaphone For The IPhone: An Acoustic Horn

English: iPad (center), original iPhone (top l...

English: iPad (center), original iPhone (top left), iPhone 3G (white and black), magic mouse (bottom right) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are looking for a dock for you IPhone or IPod, you  you have a few factors to consider. Is the battery reusable? Is Am/FM radio available?  Does it come with an LCD, handle, and light? If you are not certain what you ant,. the megaphone for iPhones will suit you perfectly.

The made by hand megaphone for iPhones was created by a design company from Italy known as en&is. All you have to do is set your phone on top of the megaphone. It will increase the sound coming out of your speakers immediately.
