IS Magazine Blog Jumps the Gun on Black Friday

Oct 07 2009

logo_breast-cancer Jumps the Gun on Black Friday, a coupon and shopping deal site, has begun the holiday shopping season early with their listing ad of Black Friday deals. The company is optimistic about the holiday shopping season with the economy recovering and personal incomes improving over the recent months. Today marks 50 days to the famous shopping day after Thanksgiving, so it’s a great time to start advertising.

Shopping codes and a countdown counter add to the excitement the website is creating around the start of the holiday shopping period. The also features deals from over 2,000 merchants and tips from nearly 1/4 of a million users. At times the forums get a little aggressive with helpful information for shopping which has led to some merchants to ask for material to be removed. So keep in touch will other bargain hunters this season as you shop for your family and loved ones.

New Sony PlayStation Portable Available Today

Oct 01 2009

PSPgo From Sony

New Sony PlayStation Portable Available Today

For all those waiting for the new Sony PlayStation Portable, today is the day of the latest release. The go system is available in North American for $249. The new go system is designed to not only provide the best gaming experience available in a portable device but to also offer many entertainment options.

All the new UMD games will also be available for the PSPgo. Gran Turismo and MotoStorm are two of the new available right away for the device. PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe is available from the Network Exclusives. Plus minis (bit-size games), UMD legacy titles, PSone Classics, and Videos. Over 2,000 movies and over 13,000 television shows are now available to be watched on the device.


Get a 7-Day Free Trial to FunPass. Reaches Out On New TV Schedules

Sep 22 2009
0 Movie.jpg Reaches Out On New TV Schedules has all the programming and extras you could want now that the fall schedule is coming out on television here in North America. And the company is turning up their marketing efforts to get out the word about their 10,000 hours of online television programming in addition to their extra features like chats, blogs, photos, directories and more. Fancast goes up against Hulu this season which had a big push over the past 6 months to gain new viewers. Fancast feels they offer a great mix of features and television online for fans to catch the episodes they missed last night.

Starting today they have recaps of popular shows like NCIS, CSI: Miami, Glee, How I met your Mother, and Gilligan’s Island. CBS is a content partner with the site which explains the number of shows from CBS that find their way to Take a look at the site today and keep your eyes open for their new ads appearing offline everywhere.

Promoting your Site with RSS Feeds

Sep 11 2009

Promoting your Site with RSS Feeds

Getting readers for your blog is something that many are seeking to do now-a-days with blogging being so popular. One way to get consistent readers is through the use of an RSS feed. Readers subscript to your RSS feed and view the content through an external reader without having to visit your blog unless they want to read similar articles or comment on an article.

Google Reader is a very popular online RSS reader that many use today to group and read RSS feeds from all over the Internet. Google will also suggest additional RSS feeds to read based upon your current selection of feeds. If you want to have access to hundreds of articles a day on a certain topic without having to navigate to all those sites, RSS readers are an excellent time saver and information sharing mechanism.

Chitika Does Research on iPhone Users

Sep 11 2009


Chitika Does Research on iPhone Users

Chitika is a popular online advertising network which just today released an advertising report on mobile vs online internet usage. What they found after analyzing close to 100 million ad click throws is that mobile users are less like by about 50% to visit an advertisement than individuals surfer the net on a personal computer or laptop.

One of the reasons for this difference in advertising interest may be the nature of the use of mobile devices. Smart phones are often used for doing quick searches while other forms of Internet usage encourage browsing and shopping. Another interesting point is the iPhone users are the least likely to click on ads. You can see the complete report here. Releases Their Best and Worst Cars of the Decade

Sep 01 2009

logoPopup Releases Their Best and Worst Cars of the Decade released today their list of worst cars of the 2000s and they also put together their most-improved car list for the same period. Great information for anyone looking to purchase a used car that wants to avoid buying a lemon or for anyone looking to purchase a new car that wants one of the best automobiles available.

The worst list starts with the Pontiac Aztec, all the Daewoos, and the Isuzu VehiCROSS. A surprise worst automobile is the Jaguar X-type which was a major disappointment for a fairly decent manufacturer. Jaguar moved into the lower end market and couldn’t produce a decent automobile. Topping the list of worst of 2000s is the SmartForTwo. Major complaints include the reduce passenger space, the manual transmission and dangerous roll-over possibilities. Take a look at both lists today for some really good entertainment.

eBay Helps Catch Florida Thieves

Aug 26 2009


eBay Helps Catch Florida Thieves

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) arrested six men thought to be a part of a Central Florida theft ring that stole items from over 60 local Publix Super Markets. The arrests were made with the assistance of eBay. Items stolen from the stores were placed on eBay for resale which led to the discovery of the thieves location.

Brevard County Sheriffs arrested the 6 people for dealing in stolen property. The group has thought to have stolen near $1,000 a week from local super markets and resold the items online or through flea markets in the area. For over ten years the operation was in place until police obtained additional information and placed purchases directly with the individuals for the stolen items.

Unlimited Text Message Plans

Aug 22 2009


Unlimited Text Message Plans

Page Plus Cellular is now offering unlimited text message plans for a low rate of $19.95. This is an add-on to current or new cellular plans with the company based in Holland Ohio. Starting August 26, the company will be offering the new plan add-on. The company specializes in prepaid calling plans and currently offers a number of unlimited service plans.

The company sees the new plans as ideal for certain users that do not necessarily need unlimited calling plans but would benefit from unlimited text messages. Parents might love the plans for their children that consistently go over their plan texting minutes. Take a look at the company’s website at for local dealers for your area.

NADA Asks for Cash for Clunkers Extension

Aug 22 2009

Cash for Clunkers.jpg

NADA Asks for Cash for Clunkers Extension

Auto Dealers across the US are working overtime to submit paperwork to the federal government to get rebate money for their clients prior to the new deadline of Monday night this coming week. Computer issues are delaying some of the processing leading to the extension requests.

The National Automotive Dealers Association is now hoping that applications received up and until August 31st will be accepted by the government for cars traded in prior to the August 24th 8 pm deadline. The president has promised that every dealership that takes in a Cash for Clunkers automobile will be credited for the trade. Some dealers have ended the program early themselves as government reimbursement has been slow. Providing Production for One Screenplay

Aug 12 2009

varsitypictures Providing Production for One Screenplay

The website is beginning their first online competition to win a movie production deal according to a release today. Film makers and screenwriters are encourage to submit their material to prior to September 15th for consideration. Visitors of the site will then make selections of their favorite pieces. The top 10 will be judged by a panel of top industry experts with the winner going into production.

The company has secured the services of some of the industries top talent to judge the competition. There are three potential partners of the competition that will have the opportunity to bring the work to production at the conclusion.
