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All Posts Term: Tiktok Ads
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Internet Today

XX-XY Athletics Ad Banned on TikTok: What Went Wrong?

Picture this: You’re logging into TikTok, laughing at cat videos and trying to learn dances beyond your ability. Suddenly, an ad pops up—a sleek, high-energy promo for XX-XY Athletics. But before you can even decide whether to swipe away or engage, it vanishes. Poof! Banned. What happened? Let's dive into the drama behind XX-XY's TikTok ad.


Background: The XX-XY Athletics Ad

XX-XY Athletics, the edgy sportswear brand that makes you feel like a superhero even when you're just grabbing coffee, decided to conquer TikTok. Their ad featured neon-clad athletes defying gravity, set to a pulsating beat. It was like if Marvel met a rave party—minus the Avengers, plus some killer leggings.

The Ban: What Happened?

TikTok's moderation bots, those digital hall monitors with a penchant for drama, raised their virtual eyebrows. Apparently, XX-XY's ad crossed a line. Was it the backflip off a skyscraper? Nope. The algorithm didn't appreciate the "XX-XY Power" slogan. Too aggressive, they said. As if TikTok isn't home to dance-offs that could rival a gladiator arena.

XX-XY Athletics issued a statement: "We stand by our creative expression, but we respect TikTok's rules." Translation: "We're rebels with a cause, but we'll play nice."

Public Response and Impact

The TikTok community erupted. Comments flooded in:
- "I'd wear those leggings to my own wedding."
- "XX-XY, you're my spirit animal."
- "TikTok, lighten up! We've seen worse—like that guy who tried to microwave a watermelon."

But the ban had consequences. XX-XY's street cred took a hit. Suddenly, their leggings weren't just pants; they were symbols of defiance. Teens everywhere wondered if they'd be next banned for wearing mismatched socks or using too many emojis.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Legally, XX-XY Athletics had a case thinner than a rice paper wrapper. Ethically, though, it's a gray area. Should brands tiptoe around platforms' rules or breakdance on the edge? Freedom of expression meets community guidelines. It's like choosing between a kale smoothie and a triple-shot espresso—both have consequences.

Internet Today

TikTok's New Frontier: Ad-Free Experience Through Subscription Service

In the fast-paced world of social media, TikTok, the beloved short-form video platform under the ownership of ByteDance, is embarking on an innovative journey to bolster its revenue streams. Recent reports suggest that TikTok is in the early stages of testing an enticing monthly subscription service designed to provide users with an ad-free experience. This strategic move aligns with the evolving regulatory landscape in the European Union, and interestingly, it follows in the footsteps of Meta, TikTok's industry counterpart, which is also contemplating the introduction of ad-free subscriptions.


The Quest for a Seamless User Experience

TikTok, known for its engaging and diverse content, is venturing into new territory by considering a subscription model. This groundbreaking endeavor is geared towards creating an uninterrupted and immersive experience for its users.

Navigating Evolving EU Regulations

The decision to pilot this ad-free subscription service may also be influenced by the evolving regulatory landscape in the European Union. This move signals a proactive approach to stay ahead of the curve and cater to the preferences of its global user base.

A Glimpse into Meta's Endeavors

In a landscape where innovation reigns supreme, Meta, a leading player in the social media sphere, is also contemplating the introduction of ad-free subscriptions. This parallel exploration underscores the industry-wide recognition of the value that users place on uninterrupted, premium content. The competition to provide an exceptional user experience is undoubtedly heating up.

The Road Ahead: Charting New Territories

As TikTok embarks on this new venture, it's important to acknowledge that this is just the beginning. The initial test phase is a crucial step in understanding user preferences and refining the subscription model. It opens up a world of possibilities, paving the way for potential enhancements and adaptations based on feedback from the TikTok community.

Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

TikTok's Latest Innovation: AI Ad Script Generator for Marketers

TikTok, the popular social media platform, has introduced a new AI ad script generator that aims to simplify the process of creating effective ads. This innovative tool is designed to help marketers create engaging and compelling ads that resonate with their target audience. Learn more about this exciting new development in the world of digital marketing.

AI Ad Script Generator

What is TikTok's new AI ad script generator?

TikTok's new AI ad script generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to help marketers create effective ads. The tool analyzes data from previous successful ads and uses that information to generate scripts that are tailored to the target audience. This makes it easier for marketers to create engaging and compelling ads that resonate with their audience, without having to spend hours brainstorming and writing scripts from scratch. The AI ad script generator is just one of the many innovative tools that TikTok has introduced to help marketers succeed on their platform.

How does it work?

The AI ad script generator works by analyzing data from successful ads on TikTok. It looks at factors such as the length of the ad, the type of content, and the target audience. Based on this information, the tool generates a script that is tailored to the specific audience that the marketer is targeting. The marketer can then use this script as a starting point for their ad, making any necessary tweaks or adjustments to ensure that it is as effective as possible. Overall, the AI ad script generator is a powerful tool that can help marketers save time and create more engaging ads on TikTok.

What are the benefits for marketers?

The AI ad script generator offers several benefits for marketers. Firstly, it saves time by providing a starting point for ad creation. Secondly, it ensures that ads are tailored to the specific audience that the marketer is targeting, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Finally, by analyzing successful ads on TikTok, the tool provides valuable insights into what works on the platform, helping marketers to refine their overall advertising strategy. Overall, the AI ad script generator is a valuable addition to TikTok's suite of marketing tools.

Can the tool be customized for specific brands or industries?

Yes, the AI ad script generator can be customized for specific brands or industries. When creating an ad, marketers can input information about their brand, target audience, and desired messaging. The tool then generates a script that is tailored to those specifications. Additionally, the tool analyzes successful ads within the same industry or niche, providing insights into what has worked for similar brands. This customization ensures that the ads created using the tool are highly relevant and effective for the intended audience.

Business FirstInternet Today

TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator

TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator

Calculate the number of impressions and engagements you'll receive from a TikTok sponsored post. This calculator is a helpful tool for marketers and social media managers who want to promote their content on TikTok. Using the social media app TikTok, users may post brief videos across the world. It has quickly become one of the most popular apps in the world and it is not just for kids.

Estimate the Number of Views

The TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator helps you easily estimate how many impressions, views, and engagements you'll receive when you buy a TikTok sponsored post. Simply enter the details of your campaign. Calculate the number of impressions and engagements you'll get from a TikTok sponsored post, so you can make smart decisions about the right time to do it.

Tiktok Ads

There are a number of ways to advertise on TikTok. One of them is by using sponsored posts which can be used to promote different products, services, or brands. These ads are available in two formats: video ads and photo ads. Video ads last for 15 seconds while photo ads last for 30 seconds.

TikTok ads are a powerful way to increase brand awareness and generate new leads. Create a customized campaign with the TikTok Sponsored Post Calculator. Use the TikTok Sponsored Ads Calculator to optimize your campaign and get more impressions, engagement, installs, or whatever your goal is.

Photo Ads: A user can choose from four different types of photos - square, vertical, horizontal or landscape - and then add up to 10 photos with captions and stickers on top. The caption can consist of up to 50 characters while the stickers can have an unlimited number of characters each (they would be counted as part of the caption). The total number of characters allowed for this type of ad would be 150 characters in total.

Internet TodaySoftware Sensations

How to Create a Tiktok Pixel


Installing the Tiktok Pixel on your website is required to take your Tiktok advertising to the next level. This HTML code allows you to track what visitors do once they click on your ad on your website or app. You can even create bespoke audiences based on the pages they visit or the activities they do and use Tiktok to better target users in the future.

Installing Tiktok Pixel on your website will allow you to observe how visitors engage with your site after watching or clicking on your advertisement. Most importantly, you can see whether or not someone performs an action, such as making a purchase, completing a contact form, or engaging with content.

With TikTok Pixel, you can concentrate your ad campaigns on people who appear to be most inclined to do a certain action on your website. Conversions, traffic, and engagement can all be optimized.

Tiktok Pixel put on your website allows you to generate unique audiences or lookalike audiences depending on their activity on your website. These groups of people can be utilized for remarketing.

How to create a Tiktok pixel?

As Tiktok continues to grow in popularity, more and more businesses are looking to jump on the platform. And one of the best ways to do that is by creating a Tiktok pixel.

A Tiktok pixel is a short, transparent image that you can overlay on your videos. When someone scans the pixel with their phone, they'll be taken to your website or landing page.

Creating a Tiktok pixel is easy and only takes a few minutes. Here's everything you need to know!

What is a pixel used for?

A pixel is a small piece of code that can be placed on your website or blog. When someone visits your site, the pixel will send information about their visit to Facebook. This information can be used to track conversions, optimize ads, and create targeted audiences for future ads.

Steps to install a Pixel

1. Log in to your Tiktok account and go to the "Settings" page.

2. Click "Manage pixels" in the "Advanced Settings" section after scrolling down.

3. Click on the "Create new pixel" button.

4. Enter a name for your pixel and select the "Create" button.

5. Copy the pixel code that is generated and paste it into the code of your website. Make sure to place it between the tags of your website's code.

6. Save your changes to the website code and you're done! Your Tiktok pixel is now installed and tracking data for your website.

Internet Today

TikTok Account Management With Third Party Tools

TikTok Account Management

Business owners and marketers are noticing the power of TikTok for both brand awareness and sales conversion. With over 250+ million users on the platform, it has become one of the fastest growing platforms in the world.

Tiktok Partner Ecosystem

TikTok is extending its partner ecosystem to allow businesses to manage their presence on the platform with third-party tools such as Hootsuite, Sprinklr, Sprout Social, and others. They will be able to create lists of community managers and assign them to specific TikTok communities by channel or topic.

TikTok, the world’s largest community for short-form video, today announced a new way for marketers to reach bright, aware and engaged audiences in its ecosystem. With the launch of an Account Management program and TikTok’s Marketing Partner Program — which include unique capabilities such as data-driven social media ad creative and optimization — marketers can connect with people on TikTok in a powerful new way.

Account Management

With Account Management, you can now connect your accounts from all of the social media management tools you love in one place. Just sign in with your credentials and start managing in seconds. You can now manage your TikTok account from multiple platforms. You will be able to post videos, engage with your followers, filter users and keywords, and more – all from the comfort of your favorite social media management tool.

Internet Today

TikTok Video Length Expanded to 10 Minutes


TikTok has recently announced that it has drastically expanded the maximum length on videos its users can upload to 10 minutes. This is a massive increase from the increase to three-minute videos it introduced last July. Before this the maximum time for videos was only a measly 60 seconds.

TikTok’s spectacular rise to popularity was heavily motivated by the platforms apparent never-ending stream of short and snappy videos, which caught the attention of users. However, TikTok have been trialing extended video lengths for quite some time, believing it will help bring in an older audience and allow its creators more time to produce top quality content.

In response to TikTok’s rise, many of its competitors actually sought to reduce their maximum video time to match the much shorter TikTok video length. However, now TikTok is taking the opposite route and expanding its maximum video length. So how does TikTok video length compare to its competitors?


YouTube videos tend to be longer in length than TikTok videos. The maximum video length a user can upload depends on whether the user is verified or not. If the user’s YouTube account is verified they can upload a video which is up to 12 hours long. If the account is not verified then they are limited to 15 minute video length. Therefore, verified accounts have much longer video lengths on YouTube compared to the TikTok video length of 10 minutes.

YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts was launched in September 2020, reportedly as a response to TikTok’s shorter videos. YouTube shorts can be up to 60 seconds long, which is very short in comparison to the new TikTok video length of 10 minutes.

Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels, which was also launched in 2020, have a maximum length of 60 seconds, which was also the original maximum TikTok video length.

Business FirstInternet Today

The Tiktok Shopify Partnership In Focus


The recent announcement of the Tiktok Shopify partnership marks TikTok's continued investment in social commerce. The partnership aims to help Shopify merchants, of which there are over one million, engage with TikTok's youthful audience and generate sales revenue. Ultimately, the venture will grow to encompass additional in app shopping elements too.

Early Days of Tiktok

In the past, TikTok gained notoriety for being a video platform that offered memes and entertainment. Members were not able to purchase items directly on the platform, even though it featured influencers who promoted cosmetics, clothes and domestic products. Rather, members were only able to purchase items on TikTok through adverts on the platform.

Shopify Partnership

This new arrangement permits merchants on Shopify to set up, optimize and run their TikTok advertising campaigns from Shopify's dashboard directly. To do this, they have to install the newly released channel app from TikTok that is available from Shopify's app store. After installation, merchants can take advantage of the functions offered on the 'TikTok For Business' Ads Manager.

Merchants on Shopify have come to realize the importance of discoverability, with social commerce offering the chance for independent companies to boost their brand awareness. The 2021 report from Shopify about the future of commerce revealed that fifty-four percent of younger shoppers across the world find brands through social networks. In addition, Shopify has joined forces with TikTok to introduce product links. Merchants on Shopify will use these links as product tags on TikTok, to send shoppers straight to their online stores from organic posts. Shoppers can opt to purchase from the merchants' stores directly, or click tagged products in merchants' TikTok posts.

Once merchants have set up the one click pixel in their 'TikTok For Business' account, they can activate in feed shoppable video adverts. To create these adverts, merchants simply choose the products they want to promote using templates that are designed specifically for ecommerce. These ad templates feature existing videos or imagery, so the TikTok channel is suitable for merchants of all sizes. To launch their joint venture, TikTok is offering merchants a $300 voucher to spend on their first advertising campaign.

