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All Posts Term: Business First
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The Shoppers Have Spoken: Cyber Monday is Here to Stay

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Black Friday receives a great deal of press as the busiest shopping day of the year, but as consumers are increasingly turning to online retail stores to fill their holiday wish lists, Cyber Monday is rapidly becoming a significant presence in retail sales. Online sales for Cyber Monday in 2011 broke the $1 billion dollar record for the second year in a row, showing a 22% increase in sales from the time of its inception.

Cyber Monday was originally coined in 2005 by, the digital division of The National Retail Federation, which is the world’s largest association of retail traders. The association includes many different kinds of retailers, from department stores to chain restaurants and grocers that all offer a variety of savings from discounts to coupons through the portal.

Record Setting 2011 Black Friday

FORT WORTH, TX -  NOVEMBER 27:  Shoppers were ...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Black Friday never fails to make headlines in the following morning’s newspapers—shoppers scramble for hot deals, hoodlums occasionally resort to violence to get an unfair advantage, and the status of an entire economic system is given a 4 AM gut check as bleary-eyed analysts cull statistics from across the board.

On a national scale, Black Friday sales were higher this year than the last, with Shopper Track reporting that Black Friday sales were 6.6% higher than last year. In addition, the National Retail Federation estimates that the average shopper spent $400 dollars during this national event. Between 2008 and 2009, Black Friday sales only increased by 0.3%, and so this year’s figures may indicate a broad-scale improvement in the economy.

What Role Does Social Media Play in the Occupy Movement?

NEW YORK - OCTOBER 31:  Runners and fans wait ...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

The Occupy Movement, which initially began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in late July of this year, has spread like wildfire throughout the world. The most influential of these Occupy demonstrations occurred in New York City during the month of September, when more than 1,000 protestors marched through the Wall Street district to demand greater social and economic equality. This group, calling themselves the “99%,” wished to make the public aware of the growing disparity between the tiny minority of the wealthy elite and the economically-depressed majority. Since this event, tens of thousands have been forming their own Occupy movements in cities throughout the world.

Should You Upgrade or Replace Your Computer?

Alpha six

Image via Wikipedia

Computers, despite their many useful and entertaining applications, occasionally run into problems. Components can break or malfunction through improper maintenance, mechanical error or simply aging. The average desktop PC has an operational lifespan of two to five years. When this happens to the computer system as an integrated unit the user faces the question of whether to upgrade or replace his computer. Both choices have much to recommend them but the answer ultimately depends on the circumstances surrounding the machine. The user must look at the ups and downs of each option before committing time and money to either one.

8 Reasons Everybody Loves SEOBook

Image representing SEO Book as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Alright. I have been in the Internet Industry for quite some time now. And this is a guest post that will probably get picked up by shout out to the best networking site that ever did come to be). But there is something that always does intrigue my mind - like - what is the difference between true guest posting and link building? At one point does it cross the line and turn into something that is totally not valuable for the web?

Alright, enough of my indirect disclosure already. Let's get to some solid facts - A top ten list: This one? --- Why does everybody love Aaron Wall's SEOBook Blog? (If you haven't heard of it already and you call yourself an "SEO" well then, welcome to this planet!)

Disclosure: I am not affiliated with Aaron Walls Blog. I have never tried their $10 a day forum (which I hear is a gold mine - but so is doing things for yourself for free (probably something just really cool to be apart of if you are a big time roller and have the money to network with tons of other big time rollers))

Social Media: What You Could Learn from Domino’s Pizza

Domino’s Pizza has surely come a long way with its social media efforts.  From almost being a victim and a text book case of things you should NOT do on social media, the company has used social media to reinvent and to rebrand itself and to strengthen its new brand.  Domino’s Pizza has become one of the icons of what you should do for your own media efforts.

Struggling with social media?  Here is what you could learn from Domino’s Pizza:

How CRM Increases Your Profit

Rave CRM Logo

Image via Wikipedia

Increasing profits is always a priority for any successful business, but navigating this growth during an economic downturn is not a particularly easy affair. CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a simple and effective way to organize the different aspects of a business effectively in order to maintain steadily increasing profitability.

CRM software do not merely focus on one aspect of a business, such as sales or marketing, but rather provide an essential overview of the business itself, linking all departments and areas together into one fully-integrated and easily manageable system. By covering all aspects of the business a CRM system is an ideal way to instantly increase profits by keeping expenditures low while increasing incoming revenue.

Walmart Acquires OneRiot

Image representing OneRiot as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

OneRiot may not be a name you are familiar with, but the company was a major player in the real time search industry. The company eventually gave up that aspect of its research and concentrated on a social mobile advertisement network.

The company has just been acquired by Wal-mart and the employees will soon be part of the retail giant's Silicon Valley operation, known as WalmartLabs.

Online Ways to Promote Your Small Business for Free

There are many marketing ways that guarantee your small business to be successful. These marketing strategies, however, require you to spend a lot of money. After spending your hard-earned cash, it is still difficult to determine the most effective strategy. Are there other means for you to promote your small business without spending huge amount of money? 

Yes, there are online ways on how you can promote your small business. What more is it is for free! Success can easily be achieved if you are persistent enough to promote your small business via online marketing. All you need to have is a computer, internet connection, and the passion in entrepreneurship. You can get started by trying the following:

Small Business Marketing – An Economic Perspective

Unique Selling Proposition

Let’s start discussing your small business marketing plan by taking a look at the definition of marketing itself. Marketing covers more than just advertising, which is a concept many small business owners may not understand. The most important function of marketing, arguably, is to create a unique selling proposition to the buyer, thereby making them less able to consider other options. Marketing is just as much about what you sell, as how you go about selling it.
