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All Posts Term: TikTok
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Trump Campaign Signs Being Stolen Due To TikTok Challenge

Trump Campaign Signs Being Stolen Due To TikTok Challenge


Police in Lake Mary in Florida have taken the unusual step of asking TikTok users to stop stealing campaign signs in response to a challenge issued on the social media site. While sign stealing and removal (on both sides of politics) is not unusual in an election year, this time the police are sheeting the blame for an increase in sign stealing to the social media app TikTok.

An officer with the Florida police has said that over 6.8 million people have viewed TikTok videos online that challenge viewers to remove campaign signs and pointed out that this is in fact a crime. They discovered the trend after interviewing a suspect who told them that there was a challenge encouraging people to steal Trump campaign signs in their local neighborhood. They were also encouraged to steal as many signs as possible and to record a video of the activity according to the suspect.

Apparently at least 24 Trump campaign signs and a Trump flag have been stolen to date in the Lake Mary area and police are appealing to teenagers not to participate in this type of activity since it is a crime to take other people's property and could result in a maximum 6 month jail term for serious offenders. While theft and vandalism laws vary between states, most states treat stealing political signs as a misdemeanor which will only result in a fine rather than jail time. Similar to a speeding ticket, such fines are likely to range from $50 to $500 dollars.

While a specific name for the challenge hasn't been found, videos of people poking fun at the activity of stealing the signs are readily available on the app and no videos actually identify a person committing the act of stealing campaign material from someone else's property. Some posts contain videos showing the signs they have stolen and include captions that threaten to steal the neighbor's signs again if they replace them. Others state that the contents of posts are in jest or 'just a metaphor'.

TikTok US: What The Future Holds For The Popular Social Media App

TikTok US: What The Future Holds For The Popular Social Media App


TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms out today. From trending dances to sketch comedies, social media influencers are really finding creative ways to make great content, brand themselves, and earn livable salaries. Still, the social media platform has not been without its challenges and controversy.

What Is TikTok and Why Is TikTok US In the Throes of Political Discourse

TikTok, in many ways, is like the popular Vine app we had a few years ago. Like Vine, TikTok is a video social media app where 'real short videos' take center-stage. The short-form video app has been the source of viral dances that have taken pop songs up the Billboard charts, as well as spearheaded viral political activism and satirical content. It is the virality of its content that has added to the app's popularity and rapid rise within the pop culture digital dynamic.

All things considered (including the shareability of its content to just about every other popular social media platform), all is good and well in the world of TikTok. Well, except for its owner, that is. The TikTok app is owned by Chinese company ByteDance. The concern is that user data can be handed over to the Chinese government if so required. The owners of TikTok has pointed to the fact that they are against such practices and would not hand over user data at the request of the Chinese or any other government. Still, the United States (US) government considers the app to be a national security threat and commands that the app owner meet the outlined requirements of risk being banned in the US.

The Ultimatum: The Only Solution the Trump Administration Will Accept

Even with the best efforts of the owners of TikTok to reassure the US government and other critics that the app does not use spy technologies nor is it a threat to national security, the Trump administration has laid down the gauntlet. The ultimatum is simply this, be banned in the US or be owned by a US company with user data being held and controlled on US soil - far from access by foreign governments and espionage. With the option to be US-owned, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

TikTok Earnings Calculator For Influencers

TikTok Earnings Calculator For Influencers


TikTok has rapidly gained popularity as a social networking app, especially among the young generation. As of 2020, the app has more than 500 million active users and was the most downloaded social media app in January. The number of users keeps rising steadily each day.

Just like in other social media platforms, Influencers are now making brand endorsements and earning good money from TikTok.

How Much Do Influencers Earn?

Generally, influencers earn between 200$ - 20,000$ per post depending on several factors such as product niche, audience country and brand affinity and engagement rate of the post.

Unfortunately, TikTok does not offer native ads options like its competitors. Settling on the advertising rate to pay influencers is, therefore, tricky for brands. It is usually a matter of negotiation with the influencer. Previously, a large following was deemed to translate to higher pay for influencers. However, the focus is now changing.

Brands have come to understand that a large following on social media can be bought. It is, therefore, not a decisive factor in deciding how much to pay influencers. Brands have now established that post social engagement is vital for a successful marketing campaign. These interactions between influencers and followers reveal the number of people interested in the brand or product.

Influencer Engagement and Earnings Calculator

As an influencer, knowing this social engagement rate gives you a clue of your account's value on the market. We understand this concern. Our Influencer Engagement and Earnings calculator will sort you out. It helps you understand your potential value as an influencer by approximating your TikTok's account social engagement rate.

The tiktok money calculator igface uses three factors to determine engagement rate; the number of likes, number of comments, and the number of followers. To decide on your social engagement rate, use the following formula;

(number of likes + number of comments/number of followers) × 100

The higher your engagement rate, the higher the chances of brands considering you for marketing deals.

Influencers must understand that this calculator is only for educational purposes and is in no way a tool by Tik Tok. It is just an opinion based on the popular view.

How to Make Money on TikTok in 2020

Influencer Marketing Hub Calculator TikTok Review

Influencer Marketing Hub Calculator TikTok Review


What is a TikTok Money Calculator?

So what is a Tik Tok Money Calculator? It is a very helpful tool that helps people understand how much they can earn from doing Tik Toks. It calculates your estimated earnings from your Tik Tok account. It looks at your following and how much views you get and gives you a very good and accurate estimate of what you will earning from that account.

This means if you have a lot of loyal and active followers, you will make a lot of money in this app. A lot of followers leads to a lot of views, and a lot views leads to a lot money coming from all types of sources, for example sponsors. This tik tok calculator is not exact however its estimates are very, I mean very close to the real amount you will earn from Tik tok. It gives you good estimates of your account value.

I put in my very own personal account to test it out because I was skeptical at first. But, when I got my results of my estimate earning and matched it with my actual earning, I was shocked how close it was. I am not messing guys, it just missed out by one digit before the decimal in the estimate. It also tells you your monthly results and gives you a graph to show if your earnings increase or decrease.

What I have noticed also from these beautiful detailed graphs is that if you loose followers or don't have that much of an audience then you get less income from that account. If you have less followers this means you will get less views and less companies will sponsor you and that finally leads to less income. This leads us to our next point.
