IS Magazine Blog

The Advantages Of Jailbreaking Your IPhone

iPhone iPhone iPhone

iPhone iPhone iPhone (Photo credit: kowitz)

Apple’s iPhone is possibly one of the most successful smartphones to ever be released. Sporting a robust, fast and intuitive mobile operating system, the iOS, the iPhone has certainly solidified itself as one of the best options out there when it comes to mobiles. Despite being extremely robust the iOS does not give the end user who is a bit savvier the ability to tinker with the phone to his/her liking. Fortunately, a group of very knowledgeable users were able to come up with a smart solution to this minor issue which became popularly known as “jailbreak”.

Best Selling Items Of The Year

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

When it comes to the best selling gadgets 2012, Apple makes quite a few of the gadgets that are must haves for millions of people all around the world. Hot gadgets all have one thing in common, they function as a status symbol while providing a useful nature that can sometimes come in handy when you are attempting to stay entertained during a night with friends. One of the most popular Apple products on the market today would be the Apple iPad 3, this is a device that is intended to help students and professionals get work done on the go. The tablet can also allow them to play games, listen to music and watch movies while on the go. It functions for educational purposes by providing access to textbooks and note taking technology that students are sure to fund very useful.

Megaphone For The IPhone: An Acoustic Horn

English: iPad (center), original iPhone (top l...

English: iPad (center), original iPhone (top left), iPhone 3G (white and black), magic mouse (bottom right) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are looking for a dock for you IPhone or IPod, you  you have a few factors to consider. Is the battery reusable? Is Am/FM radio available?  Does it come with an LCD, handle, and light? If you are not certain what you ant,. the megaphone for iPhones will suit you perfectly.

The made by hand megaphone for iPhones was created by a design company from Italy known as en&is. All you have to do is set your phone on top of the megaphone. It will increase the sound coming out of your speakers immediately.

How To Effectively Use Social Media for Link Building

Social Media Outposts

Social Media Outposts (Photo credit: the tartanpodcast)

When you use social media as a resource for link building, you are reaching out to a large amount of people all at once. Not only are your chances of gaining traffic and/or revenue greater, but this is also an opportunity to interact with potential and current fans on a personal level. This is great to do because then your link building efforts are almost unnoticeable, and it becomes natural to your fans to click on your links. Learning how to properly use social media in order to build links is vital to your site's existence in the vast World Wide Web.

Link Building Anatomy 2012

Image representing TechWyse Internet Marketing...

Image via CrunchBase

Creative team at TechWyse Internet Marketing has put together an infographic which outlines various link building strategies for Search engine optimizers. Link building has come a long way over that last 10 years and the link building anatomy is designed to highlight modern link building strategies.

Link Building has been evolving over the years and the effectiveness are tremendous. Links Building can be done in many different ways which depending from client to client, their industries and target market and opportunities for doing so certainly differs. Link building in the post panda world has always been a matter to think about and standard of gaining links has been changed over the past few months.

The Link Building Anatomy Infographic has been laid down to help people get the best out of their link building efforts, more online buzz, brand exposure.  After the recent penguin and panda update this strategy will help to positively influence your search engine rankings. The techniques laid down here includes link building, link baiting techniques which has been further enhanced and refined to best suite your business needs and wants.

4 Inch iPhone Screen, Smaller iPad Coming Soon


(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

When it comes to Apple rumors, things change fast the closer we get to alleged announcement dates.  Next week’s 2012 World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) has fired up the usual suspects, who are positively humming with speculations leading up to the event.  Some of the chatter is absurd, but some of it could have a sound base in reality.  One of the revived rumors suggests Apple may be preparing to announce a new iPhone with a 4” Retina display and HD camera.  If it turns out to be true, we still might not see the new iPhone until September.

Should You Create a Mobile App for your Website?

Person with PDA handheld device.

Person with PDA handheld device. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Web 2.0 is happening all around us. Savvy business owners realize that their website not only needs to be browser ready, but that it should be mobile ready and optimized for different screen sizes. But even if you your site optimized for the mobile Web, should you still create a mobile app? Hint: The majority of mobile device users access the Web through apps.

Free Texting Apps for iPhone

Image representing Pinger as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

If you have an iPhone, you know how expensive your monthly bill can be, especially if you were someone who wasn’t lucky enough to have unlimited everything before Verizon changed the plans. If you go over your minutes, you get zinged with a charge. If you text too much, you get zinged with a charge. Don’t even mention the charges for going over your megabyte usage. It’s insane! By time you pay your cell phone bill each month, you feel broke. There are ways to make your bill a bit cheaper and to make sure you never go over your monthly usage. Want to know more?

5 Free Audio Editors Available for Download


Today's technology allows for various different outlets for creativity. From taking photography, to digital art, movie making and even music creation, computer users are able to express themselves through their favorite media. For music lovers, this could include creating their own mixes, soundtracks or even their own songs. There a millions of amateur singers out there creating their first albums at home. For those who don't have the money to purchase the expensive software needed, there are free audio editors available for download. Here are reviews of some of the most popular.

6 Useful Online Collaboration Tools for Group Projects

Group projects can cause a lot of stress for everyone involved. For some people, the idea that a portion of their grade is dependent upon the work of others can be agonizing. Between trying to coordinate work and make sure deadlines are being met, group projects can be a real headache. Luckily, several useful online tools are available to help you keep your group project running smoothly. Here are a few of the most useful.
